Celebrate 2023 October Mental Health Month


collaboration with Cumberland Council


This is a community well-being arts initiative by Mindkshetra, a creative wellness studio (a social enterprise based in the community) in partnership with Cumberland City Council to spread mental health awareness for October Mental Health Month 2023 and Celebrate Diwali using art making.

In keeping with the analogy of the festival of lights, Diwali and the message that light triumphs over darkness, this installation aims to ignite the spark of mental health awareness to eradicate mental health stigma. This project aims to advocate the message that community engagement through simple conversations can help foster our connection to self and others and advocate for creative artmaking as one of the ways to engage in self-care and boost wellness.

Kaleidoscope: Creating Me aims to explore the concept of identity and connection within the youth community through mosaic art. Creative Me aims to explore self-care for all age groups through knitting.

Get Involved and Attend Free Workshops

Kaleidoscope: Creating Me and Creative Me

(Community Arts for Wellbeing)

We are collaborating again with Cumberland Council this year to celebrate 2023 October Mental Health and Diwali by doing a series of free workshops and using the art created to do public art installations in Friends Park.

The aim of this project is to provide an opportunity for the youth population to explore the connection to culture and identity through mosaic work and advocate the well-being benefits of engaging with artmaking (arm knitting and finger knitting) within the community. Along with promoting a sense of belonging and community connection through yarn wrapping.


(12 - 25 YEARS)


Cost: FREE                    Age Groups: 12 - 25 yrs

These workshops aim to promote mental health awareness among youth and the broader community.
Mosaic art workshops are scheduled every Tuesday throughout the month of October. Each week will introduce a new art theme, with the final week dedicated to exploring cultural symbolism.

If you wish to participate in all the art workshops and create up to five distinct artworks, you can view and register for other sessions on this website.


DATE                TIME                                  WHERE           

3rd October    4 pm - 5 pm         Auburn Community Centre           REGISTER

10th October    4 pm - 5 pm       Guilford Community Centre         REGISTER

17th October    4 pm - 5 pm        Merrylands Oval Hall                      REGISTER

24th October    4 pm - 5 pm        Pemulwuy Allan G Ezzy                REGISTER

31st October    4 pm - 5 pm        Mindkshetra Studios                       REGISTER





Cost: FREE                    All ages & families

These workshops aim to promote mental health awareness among families and communities who live, work and access the Cumberland area.
Finger and arm knitting workshops are scheduled every alternate Wednesday and Friday throughout October. Each week, members attending can create knit pieces to contribute to the public art installation.

Location: Wentworthville Community Centre

DROP-IN sessions; no registrations are required.

DATE                            DAY                TIME                          ROOM          

4th October       Wednesday       4 pm - 6 pm       Kurrajong room

6th October         Friday              4 pm - 6 pm        Banksia Room

13th October       Friday              4 pm - 6 pm        Kurrajong room

18 October         Wednesday     12pm - 2pm         Kurrajong Room

25 October         Wednesday      4pm - 6pm         Kurrajong Room

27 October         Friday              3:30pm - 6pm     Lytton Street Park



Kaleidoscope: Creating Me and Creative Me

Public Art Installation

Similar to last year, the collected artwork will be installed in and around Wentworthville, as yarn wrapping around trees.

The main installation will be completed in the first week of October, on the Fig Tree at Friends Park.

Some of the other areas of the installation will be Lyntton Street Part, Wentworthville Library.

Are you an individual or organisation who accesses the cumberland area and would like to be part of this project?

Get in touch with rupa@mindkshetra.com.au or michael.brown@cumberland.nsw.gov.au